Like many other families in the Ottawa-Gatineau area, Ash and Heidi Weaver were forced to evacuate their home due to the recent flooding, displacing the couple and their two young children.
The extensive damage to their house, including the flood water that remains, left little doubt that insurance would not cover the full cost of repairs. The unexpected financial burden, along with the daily realities of supporting a family forced the couple to make further sacrifices to afford supplies, repairs, and the cost of the sudden relocation. Ultimately, Ash and Heidi were forced to cancel their upcoming wedding.
To buffer the impact on the family, a Go Fund Me campaign was started in their name, and ODBF is proud to contribute to helping this young family get back on their feet. We understand that the impact of this year’s flooding is ongoing, and we stand in solidarity with area families struggling with the damage to their homes, and the discomfort of being displaced. The campaign is still accepting donations here (
About the Ottawa Dragon Boat Foundation
The Ottawa Dragon Boat Foundation was established in 2003 and to-date through its annual fundraising it has raised $4 million, benefiting 45 local charities.