In 2nd place are Fleet of Foote Flotsam and in 3rd place, Dirty Oars. These incredible teams and their generous supporters are absolutely amazing and have helped raise over $235,173 so far in support of Big Brothers Big Sisters Ottawa, Chelsea Foundation, CHEO, Lotus Centre for Special Music Education, Ottawa Therapy Dogs, and Tim Hortons Foundation Camps.
“Watching our community come together in support of the ODBF Pledge Challenge and its recipient charities is so inspiring. This weekend is the culmination of everyone’s efforts and we’re going to continue to raise funds through the final day of the 2024 ODBF Pledge Challenge on June 30. We look forward to our supporters helping us to continue to raise more during the event through the ODBF Silent Auction and the sale of ODBF 50/50 Raffle tickets.” says ODBF Director of Fundraising, Shelley Freake-Smyth.
Congratulations and thank you to the ODBF Pledge Challenge Champions, donors and participants.
1st: Draggin’ Docs $36,597.77
2nd: Fleet of Foote Flotsam $30,574.25
3rd: Dirty Oars $19,171.28