20 Jun
Since 1970, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ottawa have been creating strong relationships between Mentors & Mentees. Mentors in their programs are role models that teach youth by example. The importance of giving back, education, respect for family, peers, and the community are all taught through these life-changing friendships. The transformation of a child into a confident, concerned, and motivated young person is truly something amazing. Through this work, we change the course of a community’s future together.
ODBF will be supporting BBBSO’s one-to-one in-school mentoring program which provides children and youth with a caring role model and friend to share the experience of growing up with. For one hour a week over the course of the school year, mentors meet with their mentees within school grounds to engage in activities like board games and crafts or to simply spend time together. The program strives to instill trust and self-confidence in mentees to make good decisions and promotes the importance of healthy relationships.