31 Jan
The Canadian Ski Patrol (CSP) is comprised of more than 5,000 volunteers from coast to coast to coast in Canada in 59 zones and nine divisions. Over the past two decades, the Canadian Ski Patrol services have extended beyond the ski hill to offer first aid/medical support, and full medical team coordination, for a long list of recreational, music and sporting events for many organizations.
The Gatineau Zone is the third largest zone in Canada, with approximately 400 patrollers who serve local ski areas in the Ottawa Valley, Gatineau and Eastern Quebec. Their dedicated team of volunteers are highly trained and skilled in first aid procedures which ensure that the public can ski and snowboard safely and with confidence knowing that their trained volunteers are there to help should the need arise.
The vast majority of CSP members volunteer their time for the services they deliver. A number also become paid patrollers at ski resorts across Canada. Patrollers must be at least 18 years of age and come from all walks of life from students to retirees.
The CSP medical advisory committee includes five physicians and their pre-hospital care advisory committee is made up of six pre-hospital care or hospital emergency workers, such as paramedics and trauma nurses. Last winter the Canadian Ski Patrol provided 260,000 hours of service towards 230 alpine and Nordic ski areas across Canada. They have also provided 40,000 hours of first-aid services at off-snow events which include events such as marathons, mountain bike races, concerts, etc. Each year more than one million hours are spent by CSP volunteers patrolling both on and off snow, teaching first aid, developing training materials, keeping their manual current and state-of-the-art and managing the operation of the Canadian Ski Patrol.