The ODBF’s Community Fund provides charities an opportunity to apply for funding throughout the year. Selected charities will receive funding up to $10,000 for new and existing programs or projects.
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Organizations applying for the Ottawa Dragon Boat Foundation Community Fund must be recognized by the Canada Revenue Agency as registered charities. Applicants must demonstrate fiscal responsibility, have a committed volunteer board, and operate programming within Ottawa.
• Applications must be submitted online.
• Applications will be evaluated by a panel on a quarterly basis. All decisions are final and may not be appealed.
• The number of recipient charities will be determined at the discretion of the ODBF Board of Directors.
• Charities who have received prior funding from the Ottawa Dragon Boat Foundation may apply.
• Organizations may submit one application annually.
• Successful applications will be announced at the discretion of the ODBF Board of Directors.
• Please note that feedback will not be provided for unsuccessful applications.
• Applications may include funding requests up to $10,000.
• Funding categories include:
o Addiction and Substance Abuse
o Arts
o Animal
o Children, Youth and Family
o Community and Social Services
o Culture and Heritage
o Disabilities
o Education
o Environmental
o Health and Diseases
o Relief/Development/Peace
o Libraries
o Senior Citizens
o Service Clubs
o Special Interests
o Sports and Recreation
o Women
o Other
• All funds received must be used to support the project or program outlined in the application.
• Applicants are encouraged to participate in the Ottawa Dragon Boat Festival by entering a team or providing volunteers, as well as promote the Festival to its network.
• In the event that the Ottawa Dragon Boat Festival does not take place or cannot be held for any reason beyond the control of the organizers of the Festival, then the Foundation may modify the amount of funding available for distribution.
• Successful applicants will not receive continued funding for the same project or program. The amount received from the Ottawa Dragon Boat Foundation Community Fund is a solitary payment.
• Organizations should complete a funded project or program before applying for additional funding.
• The panel will accept only the information provided in the application form and requested supporting documents. Please do not send any additional materials.
Applications will NOT be considered for any of the following:
• Religious activities or political organizations
• Team or club sponsorships
• Organizations seeking deficit financing
• Organizations seeking funding purely for administrative or operating expenses (including rent, utilities and salaries)
• Fundraising campaigns