ODBF presented $125,000 to Youth Services Bureau of Ottawa / Bureau des services à la jeunesse as part of a much larger $500,000 commitment over 4 years supporting their work with youth and mental health in the community.
20 Jun
ODBF presented $125,000 to Youth Services Bureau of Ottawa / Bureau des services à la jeunesse as part of a much larger $500,000 commitment over 4 years supporting their work with youth and mental health in the community.
The Ottawa Dragon Boat Foundation is pleased to announce its support of the Youth Services Bureau and the Tim Horton Children’s Foundation in 2016.
“It’s a great honour for YSB to be the top-tier charity of the Dragon Boat Festival,” said Joanne Lowe, Executive Director of YSB. “As the largest
On Thursday, April 3, the Youth Services Bureau of Ottawa (YSB), raised a brand new sign on the exterior of their Downtown Services and Drop-in centre.
The new sign recognizes their partnership with the Ottawa Dragon Boat Foundation, which raises funds through the Tim Hortons Ottawa Dragon Boat Festival.