20 Jun
A NEW DAY Youth and Adult Services is a not for profit charitable organization, founded in Ottawa in 2015. A NEW DAY offers a safe, secure, residential and specialized healing and recovery program for females between 16 to 26 years of age who have been sexually exploited/sex trafficked. A NEW DAY supports residents in the program through individual service plans, providing individual and group trauma counselling, life skills, educational and vocational training, art therapy and empowerment.
Long term residential care is a priority to support survivors of sexual exploitation. The impact on victims that are being sexually exploited is devastating. As part of the continuum of care that support survivors transitioning from A NEW DAY is the development of long term after care services such as support groups, family involvement/reunification, mentoring, individual counseling and education. It is their hope that they can offer survivors an after care day program that provides the support that is needed for success in transitioning back into their community.
Posted: FEBRUARY 29, 2020 | NEWS |